Gigarom 1
Gigarom Macintosh Archives (Quantum Leap)(CDRM1080320)(1993).iso
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Text File
451 lines
Built-in Function Summary
during normal text insertion (typing)
in length are automatically wrapped
wordWrap • if true, lines exceeding 'fillColumn'
temporary memory with System 7.0.
useTempMem • toggles whether Alpha will use
machines such as the IIsi.
refresh quite a bit on slow color
even if color is available. This speeds
useBWWindows • if true, Alpha will use 1-bit windows
the folder specified by 'backupFolder'
useBackupFolder• if true, backup files are placed in
Useful when doing global replaces, etc.
is turned off, all undo info is lost.
undoOn • used to turn undo on and off. When undo
tagFile • complete path-name of tag file
tabSize • Default number of characters per tab.
suppressHeader • Suppress header on printed pages.
suffixString • string to use as suffix in
comes up w/ nothing.
a prompt for a file. When 2, ALPHA
buffer. When 0, ALPHA comes up w/
startWithNew • When one, ALPHA comes up w/ new
function and section menus.
sortedIsDefault• if set, sorted is the default for
be selected from the title bar.
showMenuHeads • If set, the function and mark menus can
displayed in the title bar.
showRowCol • if set, row and col are continuously
windows before being switched out
saveOnSwitch • if set, ALPHA will save all dirty
for a regular expression
regExpr • flag set if searchAgain should look
protoFile • name of file to dump prototypes into.
X11-twm lovers.
over a window activates. For those
posActivate • If true, then merely moving the mouse
prefixString • string to use as prefix in
for paragraph ends.
paraEnd • regular expression to use in searching
that contains lines longer than this.
paraColumn • Alpha automatically wraps files
for paragraph beginnings.
paraBegin • regular expression to use in searching
dead keys.
combinations with option chars are
combination. Note that some
is used instead of the option key
optionIsMeta • If set, the key combination with escape
all types are openable, not just
openAllFIles • if true, or it option key down, files
commands should affect.
numWinsToTile • specifies the number of windows tile
on. Default: TRUE.
foreign keyboard will want this turned
sequences are not usable. Owners of
"dead keys". If TRUE, some option
resource w/ one that does not have
noRemapOption • When set, does not overlay system
move the insertion point
moveInsertion • if true, 'pageBack' and 'pageForward'
matchWords • Match words on searches.
lines by 'fill' ACMDS.
leftFillColumn • Number of blanks left at beginning of
keepBackup • Keeps old version in <file>.BAK
indentOnCR • Auto-indent on carriage return.
"Disk:C:edit;Disk:C:THINK C:inc;;"
by using consecutive semi-colons as:
The current directory can be included
"Disk:C:edit;Disk:C:THINK C:include;"
files, separated by semi-colons, such
directories to search for include
includePath • A list of the path-names of the
ignoreCase • Search is case-insensitive.
ALPHA uses to find function
funcExpr • Set to the regular expression that
specified by 'defHeight' and
same place, and have the dimension
fullScreen • If on, all windows are start in the
mere file names.
fullNames • Windows display pathnames instead of
before displaying.
'findFile' dialog always resets this
forward • set when searching forward. The
fontSize • Default size of fonts used to display
or size is different than the default.
'0', Alpha saves font info if the font
if '1', Alpha always saves font info,
fontSaving • if '-1', Alpha never saves font info,
"fill" ACMDS. See 'leftFillColumn'
fillColumn • Number of columns use as limit for
electricSemi • Electric 'C' semicolon on.
elecRBrace • Electric 'C' right brace on.
elecLBrace • Electric 'C' left brace on.
width in pixels.
defWidth • If 'fullScreen' set, this is default
height in pixels.
defHeight • If 'fullScreen' set, this is default
specification resources.
which don't have associated font
defaultFont • font to use on new windows and files
garbage collection or autosave is done.
changesLim • number of changes to a window before
by the complete pathname in
files are placed in folder specified
backupFolder • if 'useBackupFolder' is true, backup
saved every 'changesLim' changes.
autoSave • If TRUE, a buffer is automatically
in view.
scroll horizontally to keep the cursor
autoHScroll • if true, Alpha will automatically
Explanation of Variables
folder of user-contributed TeX/LaTeX macros.
In addition, distributions from after 4.0b2 include a
sections, for example, are to be included.
'sectionExpr' can you can specify that only full
and subsections in the menu, but by changing
with code. The default expression includes all sections
although this is probably of less use with LaTeX than
menu, holding down the shift key sorts the menu,
words the actual section title. As with the function
with the \section or \subsection... command, in other
menu is everything between the curly braces on the line
variable 'sectionExpr' and the text which is used in the
except that the regular expression is gleaned from the
This menu is analogous to the popup function menu,
control-click and hold in a file ending with '.tex'.
explained is the popup section menu. It appears if you
The only one of the above items that hasn't been
hooks) that can automatically enable all this.
• suffix hook for .tex (see the section on suffix
• popup section menu.
with tables and arrays.
• rectangular editing mode, useful for working
so that a backslash limits paragraph extent.
• support for changing paragraph definitions
• fill paragraph and fill region commands.
• automatic word-wrapping.
users. For starters, LaTeX support includes:
Alpha may migrate increasingly into the realm of LaTeX
As I am starting to write papers on my Mac using OzTeX,
Using LaTeX
another way, and has many bugs (and it's commercial,
fashion to that of Microsoft Word. Preditor does it in
aren't obvious. I chose to implement it in a similar
The most natural semantics of rectangular selection
rectangular selection usually fixes the problems.
spaces in the desired region before attempting
result may not be want you want. Converting tabs to
appear ragged. If some of the line contain tabs, the
However, if you use proportional fonts the selection may
as in LaTeX. Usually, the operation will be intuitive.
pasted. This is very useful for tables and arrays, such
The rectangular selection can be deleted, copied, and
option-shift-mouse, but not dragged further.
start. This selection can be extended by
The drag cannot end on a column or row less than the
column of the drag start and the column of the drag end.
over multiple lines, but contains only text between the
normal selection. This rectangular selection may extend
a rectangular section of text is selected instead of the
If the option key is pressed while the mouse is dragged,
Rectangular Editing
version that makes use of their new-found reasonability.
Apple Events. If so, I will immediately release a new
reveal support for third-party editors in the form of
• Hopefully their release of 5.0 (Real Soon Now) will
with Alpha.
source file list can be used to create file sets for use
of the source files from a Think 4.0 project file. This
• The "Think Project Files" ACMD can usually extract all
modification times for a build.
from the 'Build' menu item to force Think to check
• After editing with Alpha, hit the 'Use Disk' button
should help:
developer using other tools. However, the following tips
Closed environments like Think present problems to the
Using Think C